AMONGST THE SILENCE at Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan

Dust at Amongst the Silence at Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

OPENING DATE: 23 November 2021, 6pm
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Józef Robakowski, Chang Chien-Chi, Cana Bilir-Meier, Karolina Breguła, Eduard Freudmann, Clemens Von Wedemeyer, Wang Hong-Kai, Witek Orski, Syu Jia-Jhen, Jao Chia-en, mamoru, Your Bros. Filmmaking Group, Katarzyna Kozyra, Jaśmina Wójcik
CURATORS: Nicole Lai, Zong-Yuan Tien
ADDRESS: No. 80, Meishuguan Rd, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

GO TO Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts




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