The Waves are Rumbling so Loud
solo exhibition in Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art, Oldenburg, Germany



Dust (3 channles), Tale About the Market , Exercises in Losing Control, Houses Earmarked for Demolition and Tidied Apartment in the House at Chang An Xi Road in the Green Island Human Rights Art Festival exhibition – Listening to the Overtones of Fissures
Human Rights Museum, Green Island, Taiwan



Dust (3 channels), Tale About the MarketExercises in Losing Control, Houses Earmarked for Demolition and Tidied Apartment in the House at Chang An Xi Road in Amongst the Silence exhibition
Kaohsiung Fine Art Museum



Dust (solo exhibition)
lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka



Squere at Transposition (group exhibition)
Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan

photo: IK
photo: IK
photo: IK


Squere (solo exhibition)
Museum of Sculpture in Królikarnia, Warsaw, Poland

photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka
photo: Bartosz Górka


Instruments for Making Noise in Living Sound – Expanding the Extramusical (group exhibition)
Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan

photo: MOCA Taipei
photo: MOCA Taipei
photo: MOCA Taipei
photo: MOCA Taipei
photo: MOCA Taipei


Office for Monument Construction in Common Affairs (group exhibition)
Deutsche Bank Kunsthalle, Berlin, Germany

photo: courtesy DB Kunsthalle


Squere (solo exhibition)
Fotoaura Institute of Photography, Tainan, Taiwan

photo: Bo-I Chen
photo: Bo-I Chen


Instruments for Making Noise at Escape from the „Liberty” Cinema (group exhibition)
Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin, Germany

photo: lokal_30


The Tower (screening)
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland

photo: Maciej Landsberg


Photophobia (solo exhibition)
Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland

photo: Galeria Labirynt
photo: Galeria Labirynt


Renovation, a word disgusting like a cokroach (solo exhibition)
Arsenał Gallery, Białystok, Poland

photo: Galeria Arsenał
photo: Galeria Arsenał
photo: Galeria Arsenał
photo: Galeria Arsenał


Office for Monument Construction (solo exhibition)
Market Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland

photo: Eric Osberg


I don’t Cry Over Sculptures  (solo exhibition)
lokal_30 Gallery, Warsaw, Poland

photo: Maciej Landsberg
photo: Maciej Landsberg
photo: Maciej Landsberg
photo: Maciej Landsberg


The Centre of Everything (solo exhibition)
Atlas Sztuki, Łódź, Poland

photo: Dominik Szwemberg
photo: Dominik Szwemberg
photo: Dominik Szwemberg



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