5-channel video installation, 14’20”

The Storm consists of portraits of five characters standing by the seaside, observing a violent storm. Their monologues describe the sea and a distant island. As the destructive wind and waves intensify, the characters’ reactions reveal their deepest, hidden emotions. The threatening change in weather exposes social tensions and conflicts within the small community, which appears unprepared to face the impending dangers. The five independent yet often overlapping monologues come together to form a vocal musical piece.


Cast: Cara Donaghey, Brendan Farren, Martha McCulloch, Carl Taylor, Rebecca Strain
Cinematography: Robert Mleczko
Sound: Liam Hirrell and Adam Majiczek
Production: Artlink
Commissioned by
Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst and the Stiftung Niedersachsen





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