film series, 5 episodes 11’ each

Who’s There is a participatory film series made in cooperation with people living in an area delineated by the Rej, Sienkiewicz and Górnicki streets in the district of Ołbin in Wrocław. Each episode was written, filmed and edited within less than three days. Screenings took place every Wednesday and Saturday in an open-air cinema nearby, arranged on a hill in the yard. In the subsequent episodes we accompany the residents as they uncover the story of a monster that prowls the district and devours keys.
Who’s There is first and foremost a social project. It demonstrates how such kind of activity may transform relations in a community of neighbours. A resident of the building next to the yard where the series was shot said during a meeting: ‘We have lived here for 20–30 years. And throughout all this time, we only knew each other by sight – we wouldn’t even know each other’s names or sometimes even say “hello”. Thanks to working with Karolina we’ve got to know each other. Now we chat, we visit one another. When I cross the yard, kids are shouting “hello”. It’s an incredible change. Working on this series has transformed our yard.’

Co-creators: Bartek Witwicki, Janusz Kieszkowski, Natalia Hajduk-Ślęzak, Magda Tyc-Witwicka, Grażyna Zimmer, Piotr Marszałkiewicz, Melania Witwicka, Ania Litwińska, Natalia Litwińska, Ania Owsianka, Kasia Owsianka, Jacek Ząbek, Basia Świetlik, Piotrek Trzęsowski, Aleksander Winiarczyk, Ryszarda Tyc, Weronika Raźna
Production: European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016 & Biuro Festiwalowe Impart 2016
Commissioned by: Wrocław – Entrance from the Backyard & European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016

photo: Alicja Kielan
photo: Alicja Kielan

Excerpts from Who’s There (no English subtitles)



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