film, 14’10”

A film documenting a performance staged in front of a house earmarked for partial demolition in Tainan train-station neighbourhood. The script of the performance was written based on statements made by Chun-Hsian Huang who is the inhabitant of the house and by protesters against expropriation and eviction in Tainan.

The performance took place on 28 April in a space under a flyover, where Chun-Hsian Huang temporarily lived. It was made in collaboration with Shi-Fen Zhang, Rong-Yu Li and Ya-Qiao Li, who have been engaged in organising the protection of Chun-Hsian Huang’s house.




Cast: Shi-Fen Zhang, Ya-Qiao Li
Written by: Karolina Breguła, Rong-Yu Li, 
Shi-Fen Zhang, Ya-Qiao Li
Cinematography: Karolina Breguła
Sound recording: Nigel Brown
Sound postproduction: Weronika Raźna
Shooting team: Yi-Nin Hong, Zong-Yuan Tien
Made with support of Chun-Hsian Huang’s house protesting group

exhibition documentation: Bartosz Górka


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