
Kippenberger Cookies bears reference to the destruction of the installation When It Starts Dripping from the Ceiling by the famous German artist Martin Kippenberger in 2011 at the Ostwall Museum in Dortmund. The work was damaged by a cleaner who scrubbed off the sediment that, according to the artist’s intention, was to cover an element of the work. This widely discussed event, which not only resulted in an irreversible loss of a work by the eminent artist, but also generated financial costs, did not receive a broader comment from the museum authorities. Interestingly enough, the Museum Ostwall operates according to Alexander Dorner’s theory of the museum as a ‘power station’. The theory is a criticism of fossilised art institutions, which are merely sites of collecting relics and escaping from everyday life. Dorner proposed to replace that obsolete type of institution with a museum where art would act as a catalyst for genuine debate and development. Breguła believes that given the concept of the museum as a ‘power station’ the destruction of the artwork may be seen as an interesting performative gesture, an act of unconscious and self-generated institutional critique, a museum’s self-analysis in the spirit of Dorner’s thought.


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